Nigerian rapper Panshak Henry Zamani, better known as Ice Prince, has recounted how his inability to raise N20,000 stopped him from going to the university.
Speaking on a recent podcast, the 38-year-old hitmaker said: “I am an orphan and the only son in a large family that depends on me. I don’t have aunties, uncles, or godparents to rely on. It’s been nothing but God in my life, and I want people to look at my journey and think, “If this imperfect human can make it, then nobody has an excuse to fail.”
I was the guy who, every term, would spend at least three weeks at home because of school fees. Let me tell you why I didn’t attend university: it was because of N20K. I had about two weeks to come up with that money, but I couldn’t, and that’s how I lost my admission.

From there, I became a studio rat. I could’ve turned to the streets or done street stuff, especially since I come from a very dang+rous place called Jos. Jos is calm and peaceful now, but back then it was like ‘New York.’
I did menial jobs: I worked as a pool table attendant and made leather slippers just to get by.
I was born into some privilege—my dad was rich when he was alive, but after he passed away, things changed. I’m not academically inclined or very smart, but I am grateful, and I thank God for my life.”