JUST IN: YPP’s Candidates Floor Soludo’s APGA In Anambra Rerun

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The two Young Progressives Party (YPP) candidates have been proclaimed the winners of the rerun elections in Anambra state by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

The Nnewi North, Nnewi South, and Ekwusigo federal seats as well as the Orumba North/South federal constituency were the subjects of the rerun elections.

Along with other elections across the nation that were part of the rerun, both of these took place on Saturday, February 4.

On Saturday night, INEC proclaimed Hon. Peter Uzokwe the victor of the rerun elections for the federal constituencies of Nnewi North, Nnewi South, and Ekwusigo.

The results showed YPP with 25,518 votes and APGA with 25,412 votes.

Also, in Orumba North and South, Princess Chinwe Nnabuife of YPP was returned as the winner, having polled 14416, while the former lawmaker Ezenwankwo of PDP, scored 13087.

The YPP candidate won with a 1329 margin in the Orumba North and South federal constituency.

Though Senator Ifeanyi Ubah had dumped YPP for the All Progressives Congress (APC), it was a battle of strength between him and the governor, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo’s All Progressives Grand Alliance APGAINEC declared the areas inconclusive in 2023 after an Appeal Court had deducted some figures after the February 25, 2023 elections based on some irregularities.

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About the Author: Olusola Sorinmade

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