Soldiers Assault and detain a nursing mom over alleged stolen palm fruits in Edo

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A nursing mom who owns a palm oil mill in Ologbo, in Ikpoba-Okha Local Government Area of Edo State, has narrated how she was arrested and a§§aulted by a team of soldiers over alleged st%len palm fruits.

The woman, identified as Igbinosa Rosemary Ese, was arrested on Saturday, March 16, 2024 by a team of soldiers who stormed her mill.

She was then taking to the army barrack in GRA, Benin and locked up in a cell after she was allegedly stripped n@ked and tort¥red mercilessly.

According to her, she was accused of buying st%len palm fruits from a staff of Presco Plc, an agro-industrial company located in Benin.

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About the Author: Akelicious

One Comment to “Soldiers Assault and detain a nursing mom over alleged stolen palm fruits in Edo”

  1. What concerns the army with such a civil case? This people so lowered themselves to jobs that are supposed to be handled by the police. Very soon you will hear that a husband ansmd wife are quarrelling for food and the same soldiers will be dragged into it. Its unfortunate where we found ourselves in this country

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