18-year-old Marcus Fakana facing 20-year jail sentence in Dubai over s£x with 17-year-old Brit

Marcus Fakana

An 18-year-old Tottenham resident’s holiday with his parents has turned into a months-long ordeal that could lead to 20 years in prison after he was charged with having s£x with another tourist – a 17-year-old girl, who is now 18.

Marcus Fakana joined his parents for what was supposed to be a short holiday starting August 26, 2024.

While there, he met a girl, 17, staying at the same hotel.

After having s£x, the teenagers made plans to continue their “blossoming” teenage romance when they returned to London, according to Detained in Dubai.

But the campaign group says he is now stuck in Dubai facing decades in prison after the girl’s parents looked through her phone and reported him to the police when they got home.

Fakana claims he did not know the girl was months younger than him when they met. Their relationship would be legal in the UK.

Dubai has only recently legalised out-of-wedlock s£x for tourists but still has a strict Islamic legal system.

“We had a wonderful time together. We really liked each other but she was secretive with her family because they were strict. My parents knew about our relationship but she couldn’t tell hers. She had to meet me without telling them it was to see a boy”, Marcus Fakana told Detained in Dubai.

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“When she left, I couldn’t wait to see her again when I got home. Then suddenly, police knocked on our hotel door. They said they were taking me in for questioning but wouldn’t tell me why. I couldn’t imagine what for. I was frightened and my parents were terrified”.

Fakana, from Tottenham, north London, says he was held at a police station for three days and was unable to make a phone call or speak with his parents.

“They were worried sick”, said Radha Stirling, Detained in Dubai’s chief executive who is assisting Mr Fakana. “He was told his girlfriend’s mother had reported the relationship to authorities in Dubai after she had arrived back in London…

“The girl was just a few months younger than Marcus and he didn’t know that at the time. This is not something Dubai should be prosecuting.”

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About the Author: Akelicious

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