S-East Patriotic Forum Lauds Chief Of Naval Staff Efforts Against Oil Thief And Illegalities

Chief Of Naval Staff

…….rejects malicious allegations of Bribery against the Chief of Naval Staff by disgruntled elements

The President of South east Patriotic Forum, Hon. Emeka Aba (KSM) has lauded the contribution and giant strides achieved so far by Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla in curbing oil theft with “Operation Delta Sanity” which is paying off and has given oil thieves sleepless night hence, resorting to cheap malicious publications to tarnish the reputation of the CNS and drive down Naval boss resolve.

According to the Forum President, Hon. Emeka Aba (KSM) stated that the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla, since assumption of office has shown unrelenting war against oil theft which has helped to reduce to the barest minimum the level of oil theft while protecting the nation’s coastal waters from external enemies who come to steal the nation’s wealth regularly.

Reacting to the deceitful online reports linking Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla of accepting bribes totalling over $170 million and was involved in multibillion contract splitting fraud from unknown faces, Hon. Emeka Aba (KSM) stated that the defamatory piece of information was the handiwork of oil theft cartels who couldn’t believe that any individual can confront their dirty dealings and now feeding the unsuspecting public with fake news.

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“With this baseless and untrue campaign going on from unknown faces, it has become very clear and visible that various efforts and machineries put in place by Ogalla in combating crimes and criminality around the seas and waterways is yielding results. The top merchants and their Abuja collaborators now know it’s no longer business as usual and they are already feeling the heat of Navy’s readiness to fight crude oil theft and illegalities”, Hon. Emeka Aba (KSM) stated.

While pleading with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to ignore the distractors who want to sabotage his administration, Hon. Emeka Aba (KSM) encouraged the Naval Chief not to be deterred in his continuous efforts to bring criminals who are sabotaging our economy to justice for the betterment of Nigerians noting that the economy of our dear Nation is greater than any cartel who thinks they are untouchable.

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About the Author: Akelicious

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