Resign If You Can’t Solve Nigeria’s Problems, PDP Govs To Tinubu

Tinubu PDP

Governors elected on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) have reminded the All Progressives Congress (APC) led Federal Government that it was elected to solve Nigeria’s problems not to compound them.

The governors who were reacting to the criticisms of the Progressives Governors’ Forum and the Minister of Information and National Orientation Alhaji Mohammed Idris, over its earlier statement, called on President Bola Tinubu to resign if he cannot provide a solution to the problems plaguing the country.

The state chief executives in a statement over the weekend, by the Director General of the PDP Governors’ Forum (PDP-GF) Cyril Maduabum, noted that even though Nigeria is a federation, “there is indeed only one economy.

“Hardship and suffering being faced by Nigerians have no tribal, religious or party colouration. A hungry man is an angry man.

“While all tiers of government have a role to play, the APC-led Federal Government has a disproportionate role to play in mobilising Nigerians and all organs and tiers of government for sustainable solutions.

“If it can not do so or is unable to do so, it should graciously throw in the towel”

The governors stated that the communiqué issued at the end of their meeting on February 12 was borne out of patriotism, and as partakers of the nation’s governance.

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They reminded Tinubu that the bulk stops at his table, and advised the APC to stop the blame game, or use of propaganda to obfuscate or confuse issues.

According to the statement, “PDP-governed states are comparatively the best in Nigeria in terms of developmental policies, programmes, and projects that benefit their states positively, regular payment of salaries, pensions, gratuities, and minimum wage to their workforce.

State governments that are delinquent on these issues are not of PDP extraction. It is false to say so.”

They pointed out that the food crisis experienced in the country is exacerbated by insecurity and high exchange rate issues, which they said, are within the purview of the Federal Government.

The governors promised that as stakeholders in governance, “to continue to work collaboratively with President Tinubu to find lasting solutions to a very difficult situation created or exacerbated by the APC since 2015. We believe in cooperative federalism.

“The buck ultimately stops at Mr. President’s table as the chief executive officer of Nigeria, the president and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the federation, the chief salesman and leader of Nigeria.

“We are not in doubt that he is trying his best. We only hope and pray that his best is good enough to take Nigeria out of the woods in the shortest possible time.”

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About the Author: Akelicious

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