I Didn’t Graduate As A Virgin – Madonna University Graduate Counters Founder, Father Edeh

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A female graduate of Madonna University, Okija Anambra State has countered the statement made by the founder of the University, Father Edeh.

The clergy man had claimed that all female products of his University were virgins

This claim has been rejected by Bidemi Edward a female graduate of the institution

She claimed she was not a virgin when she graduated

Edward posted her response on her verified social media page

Many people have taken to social to mock the clergyman, some were of the opinion that Father Edeh should give more insights on how he knew the students were virgins

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About the Author: Akelicious

One Comment to “I Didn’t Graduate As A Virgin – Madonna University Graduate Counters Founder, Father Edeh”

  1. Fr. Edeh said ‘If you get admitted as a virgin you will graduate as a virgin’ He was not was not talking about those who gained admission as single mothers.

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