Anambra State Commenced Payment of New Minimum Wage Since October 2024

Anambra State

The attention of the Anambra State Government has been drawn to some media reports that have excluded Anambra State from the states in Nigeria that have paid the new minimum wage of N70,000. Some media outlets merely managed to capture Anambra State only among the states whose governors have indicated interest in paying the new minimum wage.

To put the record straight, the promise by the Governor of Anambra State, Professor Charles Chukwuma Soludo CFR to pay the new minimum wage was made good since the month of October, when the new minimum wage payment commenced in Anambra State with the payment of October salaries.

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To add to it, the state has also adjusted pensions upward to give pensioners in Anambra State higher take-home.

Professor Chukwuma Soludo remains a labour-friendly governor as the workers in Anambra State have not only received the new minimum wage but also continue to receive salary alerts on or before the 25th of every month.

Law Mefor, PhD

Commissioner for Information

Anambra state

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About the Author: Akelicious

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