Domestic Worker Received A Gift Of Brand New Car From Her Employer

Domestic Worker

A heartwarming video captured the moment a family surprised their house help, Nosi, with a gift of a brand new car in South Africa.

The video that has gone viral on social media was posted by one Simon on Friday, November 23, 2024.

The video begins with Nosi’s employer bringing her outside where other family members were waiting.

When they get to the driveway, the new car is waiting for her.

“‘We love you Nosi. Happy Driving!” says said the wife

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“This is mine?” she asks before running towards the car and excitedly trying to open the car door.

She then runs and picks up her employers’ son who was standing next to his grandmother and then hugs them.

“It’s mine. Guys, you did a big thing for me. I never even dream about this. How can I say thank you to you? I don’t know,” she says as another member of the family hands the car keys to her.

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About the Author: Akelicious

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