Insecurity: Now That We Are All Tired, What’s Next?

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Before the coming of Soludo, the Unknown Gun Men heist was the pretext for some persons massive support against a system they detest. The so-called Unknown Gun men were peopled by our kiths and kins. Until the iron edge came mowing us down many had all along thought the axe was a part of the forest.

One major win for the Soludo administration was the sharp and precise unmasking of the growing criminality that had popular support called “Unknown Gun Men”. From Ihiala, Uli, Orsumoghu, Lilu, Ukpor, Ezinifite to some parts of Ogbaru, for instance, they were called “umu oma” (good children). I particularly know the breakthrough that came with the unmasking. Today, people have come to see them for who they are — criminals! It is a good thing that the people themselves are now calling for the heads of the so-called “good children”. This is a win!.

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I have never seen a people as “blaming” as my people… when the harvest of our self inflicted misery arising from a lack of critical thinking began to manifest, we refused to bring in the sheaves hoping that our actions would come without consequences.

Now that we are tired, it is time to begin to sincerely support Government’s effort at stamping out these criminals for good. It begins with calling out the remnants of your brothers and sisters who are still living in the illusion that they are on any legitimate course.

The word “Insecurity” is the political baptism of these known foes of the people. Of course government is showing them the road to justice. It is time for our people to now switch FULL support to government until the last of these beasts are rooted out of our communities.

However, if you think insecurity would give you any form of political advantage, you are sure mistaking, because the Soludo I have come to know will not negotiate with criminals nor expend tax payers money to “settle” any none state actor. Let’s all be tired enough to make our communities unsafe for our criminal brothers and sisters.

By: Mazi Ejimofor Opara

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About the Author: Akelicious

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