Nigerian Man Seeks Justice After Wife Dies During Childbirth Due to Alleged Hospital Negligence

Nigerian Man Seeks Justice After Wife Dies During Childbirth

A grieving husband is calling for justice after the death of his wife during childbirth at Island Maternity Hospital in Lagos, which he claims was due to the hospital’s incompetence and negligence. The tragic incident unfolded on October 29, 2024, when the woman, whose identity has not been disclosed, was scheduled for a Caesarean section (CS) to deliver their baby boy.

According to the husband’s account, the couple arrived at the hospital early in the morning and completed all required payments, including for two pints of negative O blood. The surgery was supposed to be routine, as the first three women scheduled for the same day had been in and out of the operating theatre in about 30 minutes. However, after his wife was wheeled in for surgery, the husband was told his wife’s procedure was delayed due to complications with fibroids blocking the womb.

The husband was informed that the medical team had removed the fibroid without prior consent, leading to a series of escalating complications. He was also asked to source additional blood, which he was able to do with significant effort. Soon after the delivery of their baby, the husband was shocked to receive news that his wife was being rushed back into the operating theatre due to blood accumulation in her abdomen and difficulty breathing.

“At that point, they told me they had to remove her uterus completely, and they got my brother-in-law to sign the form. But things only got worse from there,” the grieving husband said.

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The woman was later transferred to the ICU, where her condition continued to deteriorate. Despite the husband’s desperate attempts to secure more blood for his wife—including renting an ambulance and sourcing blood plasma from several locations—the situation worsened as she went into cardiac arrest at 3:00 a.m. and tragically passed away.

The husband believes that had he been informed about the fibroid surgery during the C-section, he would have opted against the procedure. He alleges that the hospital’s failure to communicate and their poor handling of the situation led to his wife’s death.

Now, the man is seeking legal counsel to pursue a lawsuit against the hospital for negligence, demanding accountability for his wife’s death. He expressed his anger and sorrow, saying, “My wife’s life was taken due to the incompetence of those entrusted with her care.”

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About the Author: Akelicious

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