Republicans taking control of the three levers of the US government and enacting their fascist policies may be what is necessary to finally get sleeping Americans to wake up.
The average American is psychologically no more than ten years old and educationally no more than a fourth grader. He is oppressed and abused by his oligarchic rulers and does not rise and fight it; he is told to vote against his self-interest, and he does so.
Maybe Republican extremism will so oppress the masses that they will rise in a revolution and finally get rid of their oppressors.
America is overdue for a fascist government that takes away what civil liberties the people have; this may act as the catalyst that gets the people to bring about change in the land.
Biden and Democrats made a mistake in not dealing with the immigration issue. America needs to put a stop to immigration for a while until every person in the country is properly socialized to internalize American values and speak English.
Kamala Harris was made the immigration Tzar, and she did nothing about it; white Americans remember that fact and hence voted against her; white Americans currently have a siege mentality, they feel that nonwhites, particularly brown people from Central America are taking over their land. They want to stem further immigrants, to keep America white.

Democrats do nothing to stop mass immigration into the USA.
Latinos vote for the Republican Party even though it is Democrats who look the other way as they crash into the USA. They vote conservative because they are Catholics; the conservative Catholic church tells its members to vote for reactionary nationalists, which is what the Republican Party is.
Democrats should not fight for Latinos and let them get what they deserve from those they voted for; Republicans want to round them up and send them back to Central America.
The USA should not be a place where Latin America sends its surplus people.
Muslims voted for Donald Trump so why do Democrats fight for them to stay in the USA? Islam and liberalism do not mix; Muslims will always vote for conservatives and fascists; the Muslim world is ruled by reactionary leaders, not liberal leaders. Democrats must stop fighting for Muslims and let Christian Republicans deal with them as they wish, keeping them out of the USA.
White Christian evangelicals see America as a Christian country and do not want Muslims in America; they see Muslims as prone to violence and when they reach a certain critical mass will embark on trying to Islamize America.
The political right, that is, conservatives, and Republicans have always been attracted by fascism*. They were in support of Benito Mussolini’s fascist government in Italy, Franco’s fascist government in Spain, and Adolf Hitler’s fascist government in Germany. These people dream of a time when they, fascists would have total power and use that power to transform America into one corporate state where the rich see the workers as their serfs and exploit them without them complaining and their churches preach for the oppressed to turn the other cheek to be slapped when one is slapped.
The American fascists will take away all civil liberties and civil rights from the people and stop all immigration of non-western European white folks into America. This is their goal.
I propose that liberals and Democrats simply boycott Congress and allow Republicans to go at it and transform the country into a full-blown fascist country.
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, Liberals have been obstructing fascists from transforming America into a full-blown fascist state; liberals have made it possible for there to be some civil liberties in America and some social programs that benefit the poor white folks who admire powerful fascists leaders.
It is liberals who gave America a forty-hour work week, social security, Medicare for the old, and Medicaid for the children of the poor; it is liberals who have benefited poor whites, but still, poor whites vote for their fascist leaders.
Conservatives want to gut those social safety net programs, cut taxes for the rich, and what little tax revenue they obtain is used to pay for the military and police, judicial, and prisons to oppress the poor.
Therefore, I say let America be ruled by fascists. The recently elected US President and Congress and Supreme Court are controlled by conservatives so let them rule America without opposition.
Liberals should not come to Congress but sometimes hold their own Congress in a house somewhere else and just allow Republicans to transform America into a fascist haven. They should try this idea for a decade.
If this were to be done, America would collapse and join the world’s hitherto great powers, such as Summer, Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, France, Britain, and Russia.
Liberals rescued fascists so let them stop rescuing them and allow the fascist to do their thing.
Where is Fascist Italy, Spain Germany, and Russia (Russia called itself a communist country but was a fascist country)?
With fascism in America, the intelligent elements would flee from the country and allow the brain-dead elements to swim and sink in their pigsty and America would be classed among what Donald Trump in his arrogance called shithole countries.
America needs to go through the fascist stage of political development to be cured of its fascination with that primitive political system; fascism depends on one man’s views, no one man’s views are omnipotent; and on extreme nationalism, which leads to wars and inevitable defeat.
· Seldes, George (1987). Witness to a century. New York: Ballantine Books.
By: Ozodi Osuji