Account For Airports Tollgate Revenue Since 2015, Court To FAAN


Justice Ibrahim Ahmad Kala of the Federal High Court, sitting in Ikoyi, Lagos, yesterday, directed the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), to reveal how much it made from tollgates and parking lots fees in all Federal Government-owned airports and how much it remitted from January 2015 until January 2024.

The judge specifically issued an order compelling the FAAN (the sole respondent in the suit) to make available details of the revenue to The Registered Trustees of The Centre for Law & Civil Culture.

Justice Kala consequently mandated the FAAN to comply with the order within three months. It would be recalled that The Registered Trustees of The Centre for Law & Civil Culture had instituted the legal action designated FHC/L/CS/1086/2022 sequel to the respondent’s failure to accede to its Freedom of Information (FoI) request of August 24, 2022, declaring that it violated the Freedom of Information (FoI) Act, 2011.

Delivering judgment, Justice Kala, who granted the applicant’s prayer, noted that it had satisfied all the conditions stipulated in Section 20 of the FoI Act.

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About the Author: Akelicious

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